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Bullying Prevention

Monomoy Regional School District is committed to creating and maintaining an educational environment where all students feel safe, supported, and connected. 

Bullying Prevention

Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan

Bullying Prevention Policy

Reporting a Suspected Bullying Incident

There are three options promoted by Monomoy Regional School District for students, parents/guardians and community members who wish to report an incident that may be considered bullying.

Reporting Option 1: In Person

The Monomoy Regional School District administration strongly encourages anyone who sees or hears of a suspected bullying incident to report the incident to a school administrator personally.

Reporting Option 2: Paper Form

If for whatever reason, an individual does not wish to discuss a suspected incident in person, you can download the form below. Please fill it out and give it to the respective school administrator(s). This form can be filed out anonymously, but no disciplinary action will be taken against an alleged aggressor solely on the basis of an anonymous report.

Bullying Prevention and Intervention - Parent/Guardian and Student Reporting Form

Reporting Option 3: Electronic Form

If a student, parent, or community member does not feel comfortable utilizing options #1 and #2 and would prefer to file a report electronically or anonymously, they can use the form below to access and then electronically submit a suspected bullying incident. The form will be sent to the district and school administrators to be investigated.

Bullying Prevention and Intervention - Parent/Guardian and Student Reporting Form

Staff members can use this link: 

Bullying Prevention and Intervention Incident - Staff Reporting Form